Nest eradication

Image by INBO

Contact the fire brigade or a certified eradicator in case of immediate danger, for example, when the nest is near a residence or another high-risk location.

What happens with my report?

  • After reporting, you will receive a confirmation email. This email contains the link to your report on Waarnemingen. You can always use this link to check the status of your report.
  • Your report will be validated through the Waarnemingen platform. This process can take a few days.
  • A photo of the nest is required for validation.
  • Each report provides valuable information for monitoring and research on the Asian hornet in Flanders.

Where is eradication organized?

During winter, there is no coordinated eradication of Asian hornet nests in Flanders. During this period, nests naturally become inactive. Abandoned, inactive nests can remain in place, as these will not be reused. Hornets build a new nest each year, so no further eradication is necessary.

It is not recommended to bring an inactive nest indoors as demonstration material. In very rare cases, a nest may still be active, with a few queens from the previous year remaining in it.

Would you like to have a nest removed during winter? Consult the list of certified eradicators to contact an eradicator at your own expense.

Is eradication free of charge?

During winter, there is no coordinated eradication of Asian hornet nests in Flanders. Consult the list of approved eradicators to contact an eradicatior at your own expense.
